All WooCommerce Shortcodes List: How to Use, Edit & Troubleshoot

Discover all WooCommerce shortcodes list! Learn how to use, edit, and troubleshoot every shortcode to create a seamless eCommerce experience.
All WooCommerce Shortcodes List: How to Use, Edit & Troubleshoot | shortcode WooCommerce | WooPlugins
Discover all WooCommerce shortcodes list! Learn how to use, edit, and troubleshoot every shortcode to create a seamless eCommerce experience.

Shortcodes let you embed advanced features into any page or post with just a simple bracketed snippet. You can think of them as quick commands that tell WordPress to add something specific, like a product gallery or a sign-up form, without writing heavy code. They save a lot of time and help you customize layouts in a flexible way.

They’re crucial for building dynamic content. Instead of installing multiple plugins or switching themes, you can drop a [shortcode] right where you want that content to appear.

If you need to adjust how it looks, you only change the shortcode parameters—no lengthy coding required. It’s a neat, organized method for fine-tuning your store’s pages.

Why Shortcodes Are Crucial for Customizing Content and Layouts

Shortcodes are ideal for WooCommerce store owners who want maximum freedom. You get to decide where specific features go, whether it’s on your homepage or a promotional landing page. This approach also makes it simple to update elements later on, especially if you rely on WordPress page builders.

They integrate seamlessly with various themes and editors. If you use something like Elementor, you can drop Elementor WooCommerce shortcodes anywhere you see fit. When done right, shortcodes for WooCommerce can help you streamline your site’s design and create a user-friendly shopping experience.

Quick Overview of WooCommerce Shortcodes

WooCommerce stands out as the leading e-commerce plugin on WordPress. It’s packed with shortcodes included with WooCommerce by default, allowing you to display products, cart pages, checkout forms, and more.

Each shortcode has a unique function, so you can tailor your site’s look and feel without third-party tools.

This article acts as your go-to resource for all WooCommerce shortcodes. It covers the basics, shows you how to use them, and explains where they fit best.

By laying out a complete list of WooCommerce shortcodes, you’ll have a quick reference whenever you need to add a checkout section or troubleshoot why a WooCommerce shortcode is not working.

You’ll also find links throughout the guide pointing to in-depth posts about specific shortcodes. That way, you can dive deeper into each topic without hunting around the web for answers. The goal is to serve as a comprehensive overview for every store owner wanting to master shortcodes on WooCommerce.

What Are WooCommerce Shortcodes and Why Are They Important?

WooCommerce shortcodes are specialized snippets that load store-focused features. Unlike general WordPress shortcodes, these snippets tap into WooCommerce’s e-commerce engine to display product details, shopping carts, user accounts, and other key elements.

Shortcodes included with WooCommerce are designed to make your online store easy to manage. For instance, [woo​commerce_cart] places a fully functional cart on any page, while [woo​​commerce_checkout] brings the checkout form wherever it’s most convenient.

These shortcodes for WooCommerce offer powerful flexibility. You can place [woo​commerce_my_account] on a custom “My Account” page or embed it in a membership section. They integrate smoothly with most themes, and they’re especially helpful if you rely on page builders like Elementor WooCommerce shortcodes.

They’re also handy if you want to show products in an unconventional layout—maybe a dedicated landing page for a flash sale. In short, you can use WordPress WooCommerce shortcodes to shape your store’s look and feel without editing core files.

Shortcodes enhance user experience by displaying targeted store sections exactly where visitors need them. That might be a featured products grid in your blog posts or a quick “Add to Cart” button next to a product spotlight.

Each snippet pulls the necessary info from WooCommerce, so you rarely need extra code. If you run into issues with a WooCommerce shortcode not working, you can consult the official WooCommerce documentation shortcodes section or look for ways to edit WooCommerce shortcodes in your theme settings.

These solutions usually fix common glitches like styling conflicts or missing parameters.

Typical WooCommerce Shortcodes and Their Functions

Common examples include:

  • [woo​commerce_cart]: Embeds the shopping cart anywhere.
  • [woo​​commerce_checkout]: Inserts checkout fields and payment steps.
  • [woo​commerce_my_account]: Gives users access to orders, downloads, and address details.
  • [fea​tured_products]: Shows featured items with customizable display options.

Here’s a basic WooCommerce shortcode for featured products:

[featured_products per_page="3" columns="3"]
Example of Rendered WooCommerce Shortcodes for Featured Products
Example of Rendered WooCommerce Shortcodes for Featured Products

This snippet might render 3 featured products in a grid with 3 columns. You can adjust settings like per_page and columns to match your design preferences. When you place this shortcode on a page, the WooCommerce plugin shortcode system pulls product data automatically.

Behind the scenes, WooCommerce shortcodes list out everything you need for a smooth shopping journey. By using shortcode for WooCommerce pages, you control what customers see and where they see it.

You can also explore advanced options like the WooCommerce attributes shortcode for filtering, or combine shortcodes to create a custom layout.

It’s also important to note the difference from standard WordPress shortcodes. General WordPress snippets insert forms, galleries, or basic content, but shortcodes woocommerce offers are directly tied to store-specific actions like displaying inventory or processing orders.

That’s why a separate WooCommerce shortcode list exists. By leveraging all WooCommerce shortcodes, you can set up unique product displays, custom checkout pages, or even user dashboards without relying on additional plugins.

Comprehensive List of WooCommerce Shortcodes (WooCommerce Shortcodes List)

Shortcode NameShortcodeShort DescriptionLearn More
Product[pro​duct id=""]Displays a single product by its unique ID.
Product Page[pro​duct_page id=""]Shows an entire product page, including images and add-to-cart options.
Product Category[pro​duct_category slug=""]Presents products from a specific category using its slug.
Product Categories[prod​uct_categories]Lists multiple product categories in a grid or list format.
Add to Cart[add​_to_cart id=""]Inserts a direct “Add to Cart” button for a specific product ID.
Add to Cart URL[add​_to_cart_url id=""]Generates the URL that adds a chosen product to the cart immediately.
Products[pr​oducts]Displays a custom product loop with flexible filtering and layout.WooCommerce Products Shortode
Recent Products[recen​t_products]Highlights recently added items on your WooCommerce store.
Sale Products[sale​_products]Features products currently on sale.
Best Selling Products[best_selling_​products]Shows items with the highest sales volume.
Top Rated Products[top_rated_​products]Displays products with the highest user ratings.
Featured Products[featu​red_products]Showcases products marked as “featured.”WooCommerce Featured Products Shortcode
Product Attribute[pro​duct_attribute]Filters products based on a specific attribute, like color or size.
Related Products[rela​ted_products]Lists items related to the product being viewed.
Shop Messages[sh​op_messages]Renders store-wide notices, like updates on cart actions or checkout errors.
WooCommerce Order Tracking[woo​commerce_order_tracking]Lets customers track their orders by entering details.
WooCommerce Cart[woo​commerce_cart]Embeds the standard cart page wherever you want it.
WooCommerce Checkout[woo​commerce_checkout]Displays the checkout form, including payment and shipping fields.
WooCommerce My Account[woo​commerce_my_account]Creates a central dashboard for orders, downloads, and account settings.
Source: WooCommerce DocumentationUpdated for: WooCommerce 9.5

Product ([pr​oduct])

With WooCommerce product shortcode ([pr​oduct]) you can show single product on any page or post to highlight a single item.

It fetches product data such as title, price, and image. It’s perfect if you want to feature a particular product on a homepage or promotional landing page.

Result of Product WooCommerce Shortcode (<div class="woocommerce "><ul class="products columns-4">
<li class="product type-product post-1801 status-publish first instock product_cat-uncategorized has-post-thumbnail shipping-taxable product-type-external">
	<a href="" class="woocommerce-LoopProduct-link woocommerce-loop-product__link"><img src="" class="attachment-woocommerce_thumbnail size-woocommerce_thumbnail" alt="" srcset=" 256w, 150w, 100w" sizes="(max-width: 256px) 100vw, 256px" /><h2 class="woocommerce-loop-product__title">Notifal</h2>
	<span class="price"><span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><bdi><span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">€</span>0.00</bdi></span></span>
</a><a href="" aria-describedby="woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link_describedby_1801" data-quantity="1" class="button product_type_external" data-product_id="1801" data-product_sku="" aria-label="Install Notifal Now" rel="nofollow">Install Notifal Now</a>	<span id="woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link_describedby_1801" class="screen-reader-text">
Result of Product WooCommerce Shortcode ([pro​duct id="142"])

Using this shortcode for WooCommerce ensures you have direct control over how a specific product is showcased. If it ever stops displaying correctly, you can troubleshoot by checking if the product ID is accurate.

Most often, this shortcode works seamlessly with various themes and layouts, making it an essential component in the woocommerce shortcodes list.

Product Page ([pro​duct_page])

WooCommerce product page shortcode ([pr​oduct_page]) helps you present a complete product page in one place. It pulls in all necessary elements like images, tabs, and the add-to-cart button. This shortcode is handy when you want to maintain a consistent look across different parts of your site.

It offers flexibility if you plan to build custom pages using shortcodes included with WooCommerce. You can mix this shortcode with your own design elements to create a more engaging experience.

By incorporating it carefully, you can reduce page redirects and keep customers focused on the featured product.

Result of product page WooCommerce Shortcode ([prod​uct_page id="14])
Result of product page WooCommerce Shortcode ([prod​uct_page id="142"])

Product Category ([product_ca​tegory])

By using WooCommerce product category shortcode ([pro​duct_category]), you can showcase items from a specific category. This approach works well if you prefer to guide visitors to a curated collection instead of displaying everything at once.

The shortcode is especially useful when you have distinct product lines or seasonal sales. You can pair it with other shortcodes for WooCommerce for strategic cross-promotion. Make sure to use the correct category slug so that your chosen items appear in a clean, organized layout.

Result of product category WooCommerce shortcode ([product_cat​egory category="Women" columns="3" limit="6"])
Result of product category WooCommerce shortcode ([product_c​ategory category="Women" columns="3" limit="6"])

Product Categories ([produ​ct_categories])

When you want to highlight multiple categories instead of individual products, product categories shortcode WooCommerce ([prod​uct_categories]) makes it simple. It automatically lists your available categories in a grid or list format. You decide how many columns to display, as well as the number of categories to show at once.

This shortcode streamlines navigation on your site. It also helps visitors jump right to the category they’re most interested in. Combining this shortcode with a well-structured layout can make browsing more efficient and encourage higher engagement.

Result of product categories WooCommerce shortcode ([product_cate​gories])
Result of product categories WooCommerce shortcode ([product_categ​ories])

Add to Cart ([ad​d_to_cart])

WooCommerce add to cart shortcode ([add​_to_cart]) inserts a standalone “Add to Cart” button. This button links directly to a chosen product, so shoppers can add it without viewing the entire product page. It’s a great way to speed up the shopping experience for returning customers or when promoting specific items.

Many store owners place this shortcode in blog posts or promotional sections to drive quick sales. If you’re testing different purchase funnels, this shortcode can provide a more direct path. Remember to specify the correct product ID so the button leads to the right item.

Result of add to cart WooCommerce shortcode ([add_to_ca​rt id="142"])
Result of add to cart WooCommerce shortcode ([add_​to_cart id="​142"])

Add to Cart URL ([add​_to_cart_url])

Use add to cart URL WooCommerce shortcode ([add​_to_cart_url]) when you want the exact link for adding a product to the cart. It doesn’t create a visible button by default, it only generates the URL. You can use this link in custom buttons, text links, or banners.

Result for add to cart url WooCommerce shortcode ([add_to​_cart id="142"])
Result for add to cart url WooCommerce shortcode ([add_to​_​cart id="142"])

This shortcode for WooCommerce comes in handy if you’re styling your own “Add to Cart” elements. It also offers a way to redirect users automatically.

Products ([pro​ducts])

WooCommerce products shortcode ([pro​ducts]) gives you the freedom to pull a custom set of products based on criteria like IDs, categories, or tags. This versatility lets you design unique product grids on any page. You can use it to highlight limited-time offers, new arrivals, or any combination of items you choose.

Result for products WooCommerce shortcode ([pro​ducts])
Result for products WooCommerce shortcode ([pro​ducts])

Many store owners use it to maintain a consistent theme across landing pages. If your site highlights different product collections, [produ​cts] helps you organize content efficiently. In case you notice the shortcode not working, verify parameters like category or tag, since an invalid parameter often leads to empty displays.

Recent Products ([rece​nt_products])

With WooCommerce recent products shortcode ([recent_prod​ucts]), you can spotlight the newest additions to your store. This shortcode is useful if you rotate inventory frequently and want to feature fresh items right away.

Result for recent products WooCommerce shortcode ([rece​nt_products limit="3" columns="3"])
Result for recent products WooCommerce shortcode ([rece​nt_products limit="3" columns="3"])

By keeping visitors up to date, you enhance their experience and encourage them to explore more. You can display a few items in a sidebar or create a dedicated “New Arrivals” section on your homepage. Adjusting column and count options tailors how many products appear and in what layout.

Sale Products ([sale_pro​ducts])

WooCommerce sale products shortcode ([sale_prod​ucts]) collects items currently on sale, making it easy to highlight discounts or promos. Visitors can quickly scan your deals and take advantage of lowered prices.

Shoppers often look for a sale section first. This shortcode helps you meet that expectation by gathering all discounted items in one spot. It’s a straightforward way to promote active sales without having to manage them manually on separate pages.

Result of sale products WooCommerce shortcode ([sale_pro​ducts])
Result of sale products WooCommerce shortcode ([sale_​products])

Best Selling Products ([best_selling_​products])

WooCommerce best selling products shortcode ([best_selling_​products]) ranks products according to total sales, displaying your hottest items. Showing top sellers builds trust, because new customers see what others are buying. It can also spark curiosity and encourage people to try out popular items.

Result for best selling products WooCommerce shortcode ([best_selli​ng_products limit="2" columns="2"])
Result for best selling products WooCommerce shortcode ([best_s​elling_products limit="2" columns="2"])

This shortcode is particularly useful if you want to boost conversions. By placing best sellers front and center, you let customers discover proven products. The shortcode parameters let you customize how many items appear, ensuring you can fit it into any design.

Top Rated Products ([top​_rated_products])

WooCommerce top rated products shortcode ([top_rated_produ​cts]) highlights items with the best user ratings. This approach taps into social proof. Positive ratings can help new visitors feel more confident about a purchase.

Result of top rated products WooCommerce shortcode ([top_rat​ed_products limit=”1″ columns=”1″])
Result of top rated products WooCommerce shortcode ([top_rat​ed_products limit=”1″ columns=”1″])

Shortcodes WooCommerce offers like this one leverage your store’s existing data. They automatically sort products by their average rating. If you want to adjust how many products display, you can set parameters like limit, columns, or orderby to tailor the look and feel.

Featured Products ([featured​_products])

WooCommerce featured products shortcode ([featured​_products]) showcases products that marked as featured in your WooCommerce dashboard. Use it to draw attention to items you want to promote, whether they’re seasonal bestsellers or new arrivals.

Result of featured products WooCommerce shortcode ([featur​ed_products])
Result of featured products WooCommerce shortcode ([featur​ed_products])

It’s also effective if you’re testing product visibility, since it puts special items under the spotlight.

Featured products can help shoppers discover new lines or limited editions. You can place this shortcode on your homepage, in blog posts, or even in pop-up sections. It’s among the most common WordPress WooCommerce shortcodes for creating eye-catching product sections.

Product Attribute ([product_att​ribute])

WooCommerce product attributes shortcode ([product_a​ttribute]) filters products based on specific attributes like color, size, or brand. This shortcode can refine search results or display a specialized product set. Customers appreciate it when you help them find what they’re looking for faster.

You can also use this shortcode to organize bulk attributes if your inventory has a lot of variations. When used effectively, it cuts down the browsing time and leads shoppers directly to relevant items. It’s a great way to customize your store’s navigation without heavy coding.

Result of product attribute WooCommerce shortcode ([product_​attribute attribute="Size" filter="Medium"])
Result of product attribute WooCommerce shortcode ([product_​attribute attribute="Size" filter="Medium"])

Related Products ([related_produ​cts])

WooCommerce related products shortcode ([related​_products]) shows items related to the one being viewed, usually based on category or tag. Displaying related products encourages upsells and cross-sells. Shoppers often discover something new that complements their initial choice.

Result of related products WooCommerce shortcode ([related​_products])
Result of related products WooCommerce shortcode ([related​_products])

This shortcode takes advantage of natural browsing habits. Visitors might not always know you offer complementary products.

By placing related items at the right spot, you make it simple for them to expand their cart. It’s a key part of many store owners’ strategies to increase average order value.

Shop Mess​ages ([shop_m​essages])

WooCommerce shop messages shortcode ([shop_me​ssages]) displays notifications about cart actions, shipping, or payment errors. Your store might have important messages that appear when customers add something to the cart or try to check out with incomplete details.

Result of shop messages WooCommerce shortcode ([shop_me​ssages])
Result of shop messages WooCommerce shortcode ([shop_me​ssages])

This shortcode ensures visitors are fully informed. Instead of missing an alert hidden elsewhere on the page, they see crucial messages exactly where they matter. It’s a straightforward way to streamline communication and reduce abandoned carts due to confusion.

WooCommerce Order Tracking ([woo​commerce_order_tracking])

Order tracking WooCommerce shortcode ([woo​commerce_order_tracking]) lets customers enter their order ID and email to see the current status of their purchase. It’s a simple but powerful way to keep people updated.

Result of order tracking WooCommerce shortcode ([woocommerc​e_order_tracking])
Result of order tracking WooCommerce shortcode ([woocommerc​e_order_tracking])

Customers appreciate transparency. By making order tracking easy, you cut down on support queries and build trust. If you’re curious about how to use WooCommerce shortcodes in WordPress effectively, consider placing this shortcode on a dedicated “Track Your Order” page to reduce friction.

WooCommerce Cart ([woo​commerce_cart])

WooCommerce cart shortcode ([woo​commerce_cart]) places a fully functional cart on any page. It reflects the items a shopper has chosen, along with totals and the option to remove products or apply coupons.

Result of cart WooCommerce shortcode ([wooco​mmerce_cart])
Result of cart WooCommerce shortcode ([wooco​mmerce_cart])

When you embed this shortcode, you can design a more cohesive user flow. Customers won’t have to go to the default cart page if you don’t want them to. If the shortcode stops updating, check for plugin conflicts or theme overrides. Most of the time, it works flawlessly in modern setups.

WooCommerce Checkout ([woo​​commerce_checkout])

WooCommerce checkout shortcode ([woo​commerce_checkout]) pulls the entire checkout process into a single location. It includes shipping and payment fields, along with order review details. Many store owners place it on a dedicated page to speed up conversions.

Using this shortcode for WooCommerce pages ensures shoppers won’t have to navigate multiple steps. If you see the checkout form isn’t loading correctly, look for any style conflicts or plugin issues. This shortcode is central to finalizing sales, so keep it functioning smoothly.

WooCommerce My Account ([woo​commerce_my_account])

WooCommerce my account shortcode ([woo​commerce_my_account]) is your user dashboard. It allows shoppers to view orders, manage shipping addresses, and see their account details in one place. The dashboard approach helps streamline user experience, since everything is neatly organized.

This shortcode also supports features like downloadable products, making it essential for digital goods sellers. If you offer multiple membership tiers, the account area can become a one-stop hub for updates. By leveraging it effectively, you encourage repeat visits and simplify back-end management.

Each of these shortcodes expands your ability to customize layouts in powerful ways. You can embed them in posts, pages, or even widget areas to deliver more personalized experiences.

If you ever run into issues like a WooCommerce shortcode not working, common fixes include checking parameters, updating plugins, or revisiting your theme’s functions.

By mastering this list of WooCommerce shortcodes, you can elevate your store’s design and functionality without excessive plugins or manual coding.

How to Use WooCommerce Shortcodes in WordPress?

Mastering how to use WooCommerce shortcodes in WordPress ensures that each store element appears exactly where it’s needed, without editing complex code.

Inserting Shortcodes in Posts or Pages

  1. Open the post or page where you want the shortcode woocommerce provides.
  2. In the Gutenberg editor, click the plus sign (+) to add a new block.
  3. Search for “Shortcode” and select the Shortcode block.
  4. Paste in the snippet, like [woo​commerce_cart] or [woo​commerce_checkout].
  5. Update or publish your post. Visitors will now see the cart or checkout area in that exact spot.
How to use WooCommerce shortcodes | WooCommerce shortcodes | WooPlugins
How to use WooCommerce shortcodes in WordPress (Gutenberg)?

If you use the Classic Editor, place the shortcode directly into the text editor at the point you want it to display. This method remains straightforward for anyone who prefers the older editing interface.

Using Shortcodes with Elementor

  1. Create or edit a page in Elementor.
  2. Drag Shortcode widget (or any widget that accepts text) into your desired layout section.
  3. In the text editor’s content area, paste your shortcode for woocommerce. An example might be [produ​cts limit="4" columns="4"].
  4. Adjust styling in Elementor if needed, such as spacing or column layout.
  5. Click Publish to save your changes. You can preview to ensure the layout looks polished.
How to use WooCommerce shortcodes in WordPress (Elementor) | Elementor Woocommerce shortcodes | WooPlugins
How to Use WooCommerce Shortcodes in WordPress (Elementor)?

Elementor WooCommerce shortcodes blend seamlessly with custom designs. You can mix multiple shortcodes on a single page to create a unique shopping experience. If you notice a shortcode not working as expected, confirm that it’s typed correctly and that no spaces or missing brackets are causing conflicts.

SEO Considerations

Search engines reward sites with clean, user-friendly layouts. While shortcodes are powerful, avoid placing too many on the same page. Overuse can lead to slower load times, especially if you pull in several product grids or dynamic elements at once.

A balanced approach helps preserve performance and keeps the page easy to navigate.

It’s also smart to ensure your permalink structure and internal links remain consistent. Shortcodes woocommerce provides will not break your URL structure by default, but it’s wise to review any parameters you add.

Keeping each page focused on a key theme makes it simpler for search engines to determine relevance, boosting overall visibility.

By following these steps, you can tap into all WooCommerce shortcodes without cluttering your store. Each shortcode can elevate your user experience, highlight key products, and encourage repeat visits.

Reasons Why Shortcodes May Fail (WooCommerce Shortcode Not Working)

Shortcodes for WooCommerce can act up for several reasons. One common culprit is plugin conflicts. If your site uses multiple extensions that hook into the same functions, your shortcodes may stop rendering.

In some cases, an outdated or poorly coded plugin will clash with WooCommerce, causing a shortcode woocommerce provides to break.

Theme or editor incompatibilities are another frequent cause. Some themes override core WooCommerce templates or styles, making shortcodes appear incorrectly. Also, advanced page builders may handle HTML differently, leading to unexpected shortcode results.

When a shortcode for WooCommerce doesn’t display as intended, it often points to a conflict with the site’s environment rather than a flaw in the shortcode itself.

Solutions for Non-Working WooCommerce Shortcodes

Keeping WooCommerce and WordPress versions updated is a reliable first step. Old versions can introduce bugs or security issues that impact shortcodes woocommerce relies on. Updating ensures you have the latest fixes and compatibility improvements.

Temporarily deactivating other plugins helps diagnose conflicts quickly. Start by deactivating everything except WooCommerce. Then re-enable plugins one by one. If a specific plugin triggers the issue, you can look for a patch or consider an alternative.

Checking permalink settings also resolves many shortcode-related errors. Switch your permalinks to “Plain,” save changes, then revert to your preferred structure. This refreshes URL rules and sometimes fixes a woocommerce shortcode not working due to broken rewrite rules.

  1. Open Your WordPress Dashboard
    Navigate to Settings in the left-hand menu. Select Permalinks to view your site’s permalink options.
  2. Switch to Plain Permalinks
    Under Common Settings, choose Plain and click Save Changes. This action forces WordPress to reset its rewrite rules.
  3. Check If the Shortcode Issue Improves
    Visit the page where the shortcode is failing. If the issue seems resolved, proceed to the next step.
  4. Revert to Your Preferred Permalink Structure
    Go back to the Permalinks page. Select the structure you normally use, such as Post Name or a custom setting. Save the changes again.
  5. Test the Shortcode Again
    Refresh the page or post containing the shortcode. Confirm that it now displays correctly. If you have any caching plugins or server-side caching, clear the cache to ensure the updated settings take effect.
WooCommerce shortcodes not working issue | WooCommerce shortcode | WooPlugins

Frequent Mistakes

Incorrect bracket usage is surprisingly common. Shortcodes included with WooCommerce must be typed exactly as [woo​commerce_cart] or [woo​commerce_checkout] with no extra characters or spaces. Even a small typo leads to blank outputs.

Placing shortcodes in the wrong location can also break functionality. If you insert shortcodes meant for a product page inside a widget area that doesn’t support them, they might not load.

To get the most from the woocommerce shortcodes list, add each shortcode in a section designed to handle dynamic content, such as the main body of a page or a shortcode-friendly page builder block. Proper placement ensures every shortcode woocommerce offers can run seamlessly.

Best Practices and Pro Tips for Using WooCommerce Shortcodes

By following a few best practices, you can ensure WooCommerce shortcodes enhance your site’s usability and design.

Optimal Placement of Shortcodes

Strategically placing shortcodes improves the customer journey. For example, use [woocommerce_ca​rt] on a dedicated cart page or [featured_produ​cts] on your homepage to grab attention. Avoid cluttering landing pages with too many elements; it can overwhelm visitors and slow down load times.

Focus on guiding shoppers to take action. A well-placed shortcode for displaying related products or sale items can encourage additional purchases without overwhelming the layout. Always prioritize clarity over excess.

Minimizing Reliance on Extra Plugins

WooCommerce comes with built-in shortcodes that handle most e-commerce needs. Before adding plugins, explore the default options, such as [woo​commerce_checkout] or [produ​cts]. These cover key functionalities while keeping your site lightweight and fast.

Extra plugins can introduce compatibility issues or slow your store. By using the shortcodes included with WooCommerce, you reduce dependencies and simplify site maintenance. Only add plugins if absolutely necessary and ensure they integrate well with existing shortcodes.

Maintaining a Consistent Store Design

Your store should look and feel cohesive, from product pages to the checkout. Customize the appearance of shortcode outputs, like product grids or account sections, to match your theme’s style. Use your brand’s colors, fonts, and layouts for a polished, professional look.

Consistency not only builds trust but also enhances navigation. For instance, a [product_categ​ory] grid should look seamless alongside the rest of your page design. Ensuring that every shortcode fits your aesthetic creates a better experience for your customers.


WooCommerce shortcodes are indispensable for building a flexible and professional e-commerce store. These simple snippets let you integrate powerful features like product displays, carts, and user dashboards without the need for complex coding.

Whether you’re customizing pages or streamlining the shopping experience, mastering the WooCommerce shortcodes list ensures you can create a user-friendly store that stands out.

The complete list of shortcodes included with WooCommerce provides endless opportunities for customization. From cart shortcodes for embedding a cart page to products shortcodes for crafting tailored product grids, each shortcode plays a unique role in enhancing your site.

Exploring the detailed cluster articles will give you the insights needed to maximize their potential and fully leverage the attributes each shortcode offers.

Next Steps

Start by identifying which shortcodes fit your current store goals. If you want to display featured top-rated items, [top_​rated_produ​cts] shortcode can help.

Dive into the related articles for advanced guides and customization options. Implementing shortcodes strategically ensures a seamless and visually appealing shopping experience.

Keep experimenting with placement and parameters to find the perfect balance between functionality and design. Use tools like Elementor WooCommerce shortcodes to refine layouts or simplify processes like checkout. Testing and adjusting regularly will help you optimize performance and usability.

If you have questions or want to share your own experiences with WooCommerce shortcodes, feel free to join the conversation. Whether it’s troubleshooting a shortcode not working or exploring advanced use cases, your insights can help others in the community.

WooCommerce Customization Setup & Configuration

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